• Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer arrogant, caustic, and selfsatisfied. She mistreats Marlene (her secretary, maid, and codesigner). Find great deals on eBay for petra von kant. Petra Von Kant'n Ac Gzyalar (1972) 720p Full HD Altyazl izle, 18 Erotik Filmler Filmi izle Hanna Schygulla, Katrin Schaake, Margit Carstensen, Rainer Werner Fassbinder The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant Die Bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant izle. Ein Frauenschicksal: Besitzgier und Eifersucht, Unterdrckung und Abhngigkeit. Die erfolgreiche Modeschpferin Petra von Kant verliebt sich in ein Mdchen, das wesentlich jnger ist als sie, Karin Thimm. The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, which he adapted from his own 1971 play, is a berserk, angry, funny and exhausting analysis of sadomasochistic power games masquerading as loving relationships. Petra Von Kant, una stilista di Brema rimasta vedova dal primo marito e separata dal secondo, si innamora di Karin, pi giovane di dieci anni. Olivia La Roche Alexes Ruiz Bowyer The business partners (the pair sell gradeA vintage through their brand, Petra Von Kant), roommates, and best friends have the most characterful closet weve ever seen. Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer arrogant, caustic, and selfsatisfied. She mistreats Marlene (her secretary, maid, and codesigner). Dcouvrez le profil de Petra Von Kant sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communaut professionnelle au monde. Petra indique 8 postes sur son profil. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et dcouvrez les relations de Petra, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. Watch The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant Online. the bitter tears of petra von kant full movie with English subtitle. Stars: Margit Carstensen, Hanna Schygulla, Irm Hermann, Katrin Schaake, Eva Mattes, Gisela Fackeldey The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant. 1972 film by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant; Statements. imported from Wikimedia project. Die bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant (German) 0 references. View Petra Von Kants profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Petra has 8 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Petras. View the profiles of people named Petra Von Kant. Join Facebook to connect with Petra Von Kant and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power Perhaps Fassbinder's most controversial film it was vilified by gay critics when it opened in New York The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant was vigorously defended by The Village Voice's Molly Haskell as a tragicomic love story disguised as a lesbian slumber party in highcamp drag. In a huis clos boudoir dominated by white mannequins and a massive Poussin fresco of Midas and Bacchus. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Not exactly the most comfortable film of Rainer Werner Fassbinders career, the Sapphic haute couture bitchfest The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (a major influence on Francois Ozons 8 femmes) is also his most oftquoted. And its easy to see why, what with rhythmic rants like: He. The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) begins with two house cats on a staircase, their small motions of eating and grooming intermittently visible under the credits. The shot tacitly references Cukor's opening gambit, anticipating a story where elegant surfaces hide toothandclaw instincts. When a new model, Karin, enters the home of famous fashion designer Petra von Kant, Petra's world and career rocket to manic heights. But in the midst of Petras euphoria, her submissive assistant, Marlene, senses a threat. Les Larmes amres de Petra von Kant est un film ralis par Rainer Werner Fassbinder avec Margit Carstensen, Hanna Schygulla. Synopsis: Une femme de la grande bourgeoisie, creatrice de mode. One of the first and bestloved films of this period in his career is The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, which balances a realistic depiction of tormented romance with staging that remains true to the directors roots in experimental theater. Petra von Kant har succes som modedesigner, men hun lever et ensomt liv med sin assistent Marlene, som aldrig taler. Petras datter Gabriele er vk p kostskole, forholdet til moderen Valerie er s som s, og Petra er langsomt ved at krakelere, da Sidonie, en god veninde, introducerer hende for Karin. Le lacrime amare di Petra von Kant (Die bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant) un film del 1972 diretto da Rainer Werner Fassbinder. un adattamento di un dramma teatrale dello stesso Fassbinder, di cui mantiene l'impostazione: il film ambientato in un'unica stanza e basato interamente sui dialoghi delle protagoniste. Petra von Kant (Margit Carstensen) una stilista di successo, separata dal marito, madre di una figlia adolescente, affascinante e intelligente ma svuotata dentro da due matrimoni andati male. Vive in un ambiente molto raffinato e personale, ma opprimente e pieno di manichini SCENEGGIATURA Le lacrime amare di Petra Von Kant. Sceneggiatura scritta da Rainer Werner Fassbinder. SONORA ORIGINALE Le lacrime amare di Petra Von Kant. Questo film stato prodotto finanziato da Filmverlag der Autoren e Tango Film. Nzd meg a Petra von Kant keser knnyei (1972) drma filmet online a Mozicsillagon. Les Larmes amres de Petra von Kant (Die bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant) est un film allemand de Rainer Werner Fassbinder sorti en 1972. C'est l'adaptation de la pice de thtre du mme nom crite l'anne prcdente par Fassbinder. Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer arrogant, caustic, and selfsatisfied. She mistreats Marlene (her secretary, maid, and codesigner). For a film that is composed mainly of painfully long shots and is set entirely in one location, The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant may prove to be a very challenging piece of work to sit through. The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant In the early 1970s, Rainer Werner Fassbinder discovered the American melodramas of Douglas Sirk and was inspired by them to begin working in a new, more intensely emotional register. G erald Barry's The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant is the boldest possible start to English National Opera's new season. This world premiere staging, directed by Richard Jones, is a pulverising. Film in streaming Nel mondo hightech e di mobilit integrale, il cinema ricopre il ruolo di fenomeno ordinario. Inoltre, i fan si sono assuefatti alle sorprese offerte dai registi, i quali amano ricoprire di effetti speciali i loro capolavori, utilizzando opzioni non standard di presentazione e idee, a dir poco, originali. Die bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant ist ein Filmdrama des deutschen Regisseurs, Autors und Darstellers Rainer Werner Fassbinder aus dem Jahr 1972. Es basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Theaterstck von Fassbinder, das unter Regie von Peer Raben 1971 bei den vierten im Frankfurter Theater am Turm uraufgefhrt wurde. 124 min Drama 5 October 1972 (West Germany)Petra von Kant is a successful fashion designer arrogant, caustic, and selfsatisfied. She mistreats Marlene The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant 1972 (Germany) [124 min Trailer Petra von Kants bittra trar (tyska: Die bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant) r en tysk dramafilm frn 1972, i regi av Rainer Werner Fassbinder, baserad p hans egen teaterpjs. Det r en ironisk krlekstragedi och en av mnga ansedd som Fassbinders starkaste film och teaterstycke. One of the earliest and bestloved films of this period in his career is The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, which balances a realistic depiction of tormented romance with staging that remains true to the directors roots in experimental theater. Based on Fassbinder's original play, The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant is a work of astonishing visual design, with emotions on an operatic scale, which explores the. Sehen Sie sich Petra Von Kants vollstndiges Profil an vllig kostenlos. Ihre Kollegen, Kommilitonen und 500 Millionen weitere Fach und Fhrungskrfte sind bereits auf LinkedIn. THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT (1972) Love is colder than death (Other Fassbinder's early films from 1969), could be one of the epigraph of this movie. That show us that doesn't matter what sexual orientation are you directed to, love wasn't and easy task to live in. Join Facebook to connect with Petra Von Kant and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes Hndler der vier Jahreszeiten (1972) Drt Mevsim Satcs Trke Altyazl and English Subtitles Duration: 1: 24: 35. Her Gn Bir Sanat Filmi 1, 707, 884 views Margit Carstensen as the title character, a fashion designer, in Rainer Werner Fassbinders allfemale The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972), now on disc. The latest Tweets from Petra Von Kant (@tatiscari). Silvio Santos impersonator, victim of Gaslighting, Gregor Samsa's closest friend and the Phantom of my own opera. Fortaleza, Brasil The latest Tweets from Petra von Kant (@QueenofFat666). Skinny Margit Carstensen in Die bitteren Trnen der Petra von Kant (1972).