• Gus Van Sant Jr. Geboren: Louisville, De controversile film, losjes gebaseerd op de Moorden op Columbine High School, werd net als Gerry uiteenlopend ontvangen, mede door de onconventionele vertelling (er wordt geen poging gedaan om een verklaring. (born July 24, 1952) is an American film director, screenwriter, painter, photographer, musician, and author who has earned acclaim as both an independent and mainstream filmmaker. His films typically deal with themes of marginalized subcultures, in particular homosexuality; as such, Van Sant is considered one of the most prominent auteurs of the New Queer Cinema. Watch videoDirected by Gus Van Sant. With Casey Affleck, Matt Damon. A friendship between two young men is tested when they go for a hike in. One of the formal goals Van Sant had in mind for Gerry was to render the sense of a more homogenous, continuous, real time. In fact this ideal is far from achieved theoretically in the film because its plot time covers roughly 72 hours across 100 minutes of screentime, meaning that. Gerry ha ottenuto due nomination agli Independent Spirit Awards del 2002 per la miglior regia (Gus Van Sant) e la miglior fotografia (Harris Savides). Uno dei contenuti extra del DVD un makingof di 14 minuti intitolato Salt Lake Van Sant. Van Sant can be sparse and meditative with films like Gerry or Last Days. He can deliver a fairly straightforward story of love and triumph like Good Will Hunting or lead Sean Penn to an Oscar in Milk. Gus Van Sant, Director: Elephant. Gus Van Sant was born on July 24, 1952 in Louisville, Kentucky, USA as Gus Greene Van Sant Junior. He is a director and producer, known for Elephant (2003), My Own Private Idaho (1991) and Drugstore Cowboy (1989). Gus Van Sant Jego ojciec by wdrownym sprzedawc i przemieszcza si po Ameryce, by osi w Portland, w stanie Oregon. Ukoczy wydzia reyserii filmowej Rhode. Gerry est un film ralis par Gus Van Sant et sorti en 2002. Deux jeunes hommes nomms tous les deux Gerry senfoncent dans le dsert californien, tout dabord en voiture puis pied. Gerry (2002) Finding Forrester (2000) Psycho (1998) Hanson: Weird (Video short 1998) Good Will Hunting (1997) (as Gus Van Sant Jr. ) Ken Death Gets Out of Jail (Short 1988) Five Ways to Kill Yourself (Short 1987) My New Friend (Short 1987) Mala Noche (1986) The Discipline of D. (Short 1982) Gus van Sant has never been much for hoeing the same old row. His last movie, Milk, won two Oscars and thanks to a providential release date became part of the national debate over. Gerry est un film ralis par Gus Van Sant avec Casey Affleck, Matt Damon. Synopsis: Deux hommes, nomms tous deux Gerry, traversent en voiture le dsert californien vers une destination qui. In Gerry, director Gus Van Sant journeys with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck into uncharted worlds of independent cinema. Scott Macaulay talks with Van Sant about time, art films and the desert. Deux hommes, nomms tous deux Gerry, traversent en voiture le dsert californien vers une destination qui n'est connue que d'eux seuls. Persuads d'atteindre bientt leur but, les deux amis dcident de terminer leur priple pied. Mais Gerry et Gerry ne trouvent pas ce qu'ils sont venus chercher; ils ne sont mme plus capables de retrouver l'emplacement de leur voiture. A Gerry egy 2002es amerikai filmdrma, amelyet Gus Van Sant rendezett, s amelynek fszerepben Casey Affleck s Matt Damon lthat, akik a film forgatknyvt is rtk Van Santtal egytt. A Gerry az els eleme a gyakran Hall trilgia nven emlegetett Van Santalkotsoknak az Elefnt s Az utols napok cm filmekkel kiegszlve. Gus van Sant has always been one of my favourite filmmakers (even though his recent work has not been among his best), and the lowkey indie four film stretch from Gerry to Paranoid Park is one of my favourite stretches in any filmmaker's discography. Along the way, Van Sant dabbled in fourtrack home recording, producing two quirky albumsGus Van Sant and 18 Songs About Golfand wrote the 1997 experimental novel Pink, a thinly veiled tribute to the late River Phoenix. Gus Van Sant, in full Gus Greene Van Sant, Jr. , (born July 24, 1952, Louisville, Kentucky, U. ), American film director and writer known for focusing on marginalized and isolated characters. The son of a traveling businessman and a housewife, Van Sant lived an itinerant childhood. While Gus Van Sant's talent as a traditional dramatic director does, in fact, lead the film to dramatic highlights, the final product is generally boring something just about awful, and some can. Avec Gerry, et aprs lincursion assez conventionnelle en studio d la rencontre de Forrester (2000), Gus Van Sant semble donc reprendre l o il lavait laiss, le questionnement sur le geste cinmatographique initi avec Psycho. Gerry sicuramente un film fuori dal comune, sia per la trama che per i tempi cinematografici; nella filmografia di Gus Van Sant rappresenta una drastica svolta, visto che si colloca dopo i didascalici Genio Ribelle e Scoprendo Forrester. The first of Van Sants Death Trilogythe second being Elephant (2003), the third being Last Days (2005). Written by Gus Van Sant, Casey Affleck, and Matt Damon; starring Casey Affleck and Matt Damon. Two friends, both named Gerry, find themselves lost in the desert with no food or water. This film was very Le terme Gerry qui est aussi bien le titre du film que la dnomination commune aux deux personnages du film est trs loquent quant au mouvement de va et vient qui sopre dans le travail de Gus Van Sant entre le moment dlaboration du projet et le film luimme. Directed by Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting, Milk) and written by Affleck, Damon and Van Sant. A Film4 Production, released in the UK on 22nd August 2003. Gus Van Sant June 27 to July 13 By turns a determined outsider artist and an insider Hollywood player, equally effective when operating as an austere, formalist and as a traditional narrative director of unusual emotional directness and potency, Gus Van Sant has produced one of the most diverse, unexpected, and. Gus Van Sant Celebrity Profile Check out the latest Gus Van Sant photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes. Gerry es una pelcula estadounidense estrenada en 2002, dirigida por Gus Van Sant y protagonizada por Matt Damon y Casey Affleck. Sinopsis [ editar Dos amigos inician un viaje por carretera, hasta que en un momento dado deciden abandonarla e internarse en lo desconocido. Tlcharger gratuitement des films de gus van sant sur uptobox, free, 1fichier! tv est le meilleur site Pour le tlchargement gratuit des films de gus van sant fois la rapide et scuris, vous pouvez tout trouver sur Liberty Land. Gus Van Sant, the American director known best known for the blockbuster hit Good Will Hunting, starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Born Gus Green Van Sant on July 24. Gerry (2002) de Gus Van Sant Gerry et Gerry roulent en voiture, sans un mot, dans un paysage rocailleux et dsertique. Ils sarrtent et continuent pied sur un chemin de grande randonne. Gus Van Sant a dj ralis plusieurs films partir d'vnements rels: Prte tout partir d'un livre romanant une affaire relle, Gerry dont l'ide est venue de la lecture d'un article sur la disparition de deux jeunes amricains dans le dsert, Elephant partir de la. Unlike other big names of American cinema, Gus Van Sant is the perfect example of what it is to do the whole route. Starting with smallproject independent films, Van Sant had to prove his value before seeing his name included at the Oscars, Cannes, Berlin Film Festival or. Gus Van Sant originally began shooting Gerry in Argentina, but was soon dissatisfied with the weather and the terrain, opting to start over in California and Utah; the. Gus Van Sant gewann im Jahr 2002 den Visions Award des Toronto International Film Festivals. Van Sant als Regisseur und Harris Savides fr die Kameraarbeit wurden im Jahr 2003 fr den Independent Spirit Award nominiert. Savides gewann 2003 den New York Film Critics Circle Award. Gerry is actually a riveting companionpiece to Elephant, and together they make up a remarkable career triumph for Van Sant after the soupy drama Good Will Hunting and Finding Forrester, his. At Cannes, I asked Gus Van Sant one question: whether Elephant was shaped, as was Gerry, by the cinema of the Hungarian filmmaker, Bela Tarr? He continues to be an influence, Van Sant said. The overlapping of moments, the repeats, repeats, in Tarr's Satan's Tango, inform part of this film. Qu'estce que ces jeunes gens sont venus chercher dans le dsert? Adolescents banals, spectateurs de tlvision consommant du coca cola, ils sont pourtant en. Gerry variante del nome proprio di persona maschile Jerry Gerry comune dello Stato di New York, negli Stati Uniti d'America Gerry film del 2002 diretto da Gus Van Sant This feature is not available right now. Juli 1952 in Louisville, Kentucky) ist ein USamerikanischer Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, Fotograf und Musiker. Er gilt als Spezialist fr Filme ber unangepasste Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. Gus Van Sant's minimalist, nonnarrative Gerry is a film that needs no narrative direction it's a movie about being lost, and as a viewer you have the choice to become lost with it. Gus Van Sants experimental independent feature Gerry is a spellbinding work, open to surprise, possibility and wonder. A meditation on friendship and survival, the movie revolves around a. Gerry [1 [2 (em ingls: Gerry um filme estadunidense de 2002 realizado por Gus Van Sant e protagonizado por Matt Damon e Casey Affleck. Com locaes na Argentina, Estados Unidos e Jordnia, foi produzido por Danny Wolf. Throughout Gerry, one is drawn to reflect on other films, as much through the camera style as anything else. Van Sant and cinematographer Harris Savides seem to be trying every possible variation on shooting two characters walking through a deserted (and neardesert) landscape..