• In Mating in Captivity (2006), Esther Perel draws on observations made during her decades of experience as a practicing psychotherapist. The book explores the ways sexual passion and longterm security are often at odds and highlights important issues couples face as. Esther is the author of the international bestselling and awardwinning book, Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence, translated into 25 languages. Fluent in nine of them, the Belgian native is a celebrated speaker, therapist and teacher invited around the globe for her expertise in emotional and erotic intelligence, worklife. In Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. In reality, it's hard to want what you already have. Jai dabord entendu parler dEsther Perel via ses confrences Ted gniales et instructives. Je ne me souviens plus exactement comment je suis tombe dessus (enfin ce nest pas difficile, puisque ses confrences totalisent plus de 15 millions de vues), mais ctait sans doute un jour o je me posais des milliards de questions sur This week Ill be chatting with Sarah Peck, about the book Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel. Well go over a summary of some of the main points, our favorite takeaways, and our personal experiences applying these lessons to our lives. Psychotherapist Esther Perel is changing the conversation on what it means to be in love and have a fulfilling sex life. She is the author of Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic. Her latest work focuses on infidelity: what it is, why happy people do it and how couples can recover from it. Why do people cheat Relationship expert Esther Perel talks to Tony about infidelity, intimacy and t Duration: 53: 13. TED TALKS DAILY PODCAST 28, 816 views 53: 13 Esther Perel. Psychotherapist, Relationship Philosopher, Speaker Author of Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs Location Greater New York City Area June 10, 2017 Relationship expert Esther Perel is the author of Mating in Captivity, and her new podcast Where Should We Begin, features real people talking about real problems. Through case studies and lively discussion, Perel demonstrates how more exciting, playful, and even poetic sex is possible in longterm relationships. Wise, witty, and as revelatory as it is straightforward, Mating in Captivity is a sensational book that will transform the way you live and love. On the key to making your relationship work You can expect your partner to do a lot of things, but the idea that one person will satisfy all your needs, the same person will be the one with whom you take care of your dying mother and your babies, and your sex life, and your professional anxieties, and your internal turmoil, and your intellectual pursuits, and your creative endeavors, take. For [erotically intelligent couples, love is a vessel that contains both security and adventure, and commitment offers one of the great luxuries of life: time. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. In the remainder of Mating in Captivity one of the most lucid and liberating perspectives on love written in the past century Perel goes on to explore how to integrate these paradoxical needs into the wholeness of a fully satisfying love. Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence Skip to main content Search the history of over 338 billion web pages on the Internet. Psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author Esther Perel is recognized as one of today's most insightful and original voices on modern relationships. Her celebrated TED Talks have garnered more than 20 million views and her international bestseller Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence became a global phenomenon. Esther Perel looks like the New York couples therapist from Central Casting. Married for a zillion years, mother of two, trim as an arrow if you have to talk to a stranger about your sex life. Esther Perel is a Belgianborn psychotherapist, and the leading authority on erotic intelligence. Mating in Captivity is her first book. She lives in New York with her husband of twentyone years, and their two sons. Esther Perel has become a goto speaker on sexuality and relationships in the world of couples therapy as well as in the luxury selfactualization set. Mating in Captivity: Sex, Lies and Domestic Bliss by Esther Perel is a book intended for couples in longterm commitments who worry about recapturing passion in a relationship that has grown comfortable but staid. Esther Perel is a couples therapist In Mating in Captivity, psychotherapist Esther Perel tackles the paradox of modern love. She explores why it's hard to want what you already have, even in the most committed and loving relationship. Esther Perel speaking at the Smart Marriages Conference in Orlando, Florida. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Through case studies and lively discussion, Perel demonstrates how more exciting, playful, and even poetic sex is possible in longterm relationships. Wise, witty, and as revelatory as it is straightforward, Mating in Captivity is a sensational book that will transform the way you live and love. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Iconic couples therapist and bestselling author of Mating in Captivity Esther Perel returns with a provocative look at relationships through the lens of infidelity. An affair: it can rob a couple of their relationship, their happiness, their very identity. In MATING IN CAPTIVITY, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. Modern romance promises it all a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. Esther Perel is a brilliant psychotherapist who wrote the bestseller Mating in Captivity. She joins us to share how to appreciate any relationship we have. One of the world's most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. I'm Esther Pereland I believe that the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. On my website, you'll find resources and trainings to help you find aliveness and vitality in. Esther Perel (born 1958) is a Belgian psychotherapist who has explored the tension between the need for security (love, belonging and closeness) and the need for freedom (erotic desire, adventure and distance) in human relationships. Perel promoted the concept of Erotic Intelligence in her book Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence (2006), which has been translated into 24 languages. In longterm relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best friend and erotic partner. But as Esther Perel argues, good and committed sex draws on two conflicting needs: our need for security and our need for surprise. With wit and eloquence, Perel lets us in on the mystery of erotic intelligence. One of the world's most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. I am a relationship therapist and New York Times bestselling author of The State of Affairs and Mating in Captivity. You may also kn Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel A New York City therapist examines the paradoxical relationship between domesticity and sexual desire and explains what it. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. While Mating in Captivity shows why the domestic realm can feel like a cage, Perel's take on bedroom dynamics promises to liberate, enchant, and provoke. Flinging the doors open on erotic life and domesticity, she invites us to put the X back in sex. While Mating in Captivity shows why the domestic realm can feel like a cage, Perel's take on bedroom dynamics promises to liberate, enchant, and provoke. Flinging the doors open on erotic life and domesticity, she invites us to put the X back in sex. Mating In Captivity by Esther Perel Recommendations, Revelations and Hidden Gems. Thanks for joining me for the second rendition of my book recommendations. Esther Perel is a Belgianborn psychotherapist, and the leading authority on erotic intelligence. Mating in Captivity is her first book. She lives in New York with her husband of. In Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel looks at the story of sex in committed couples. Modern romance promises it all a lifetime of togetherness, intimacy and erotic desire. In reality, it's hard to want what you already have. Esther Perel on Mating in Captivity by Lori Schwanbeck An unorthodox couples therapist discusses her multicultural, questioning approach to Western notions of romance, the enshrinement of the emotionally exclusive marital relationship, and how sex relates to intimacy and freedom. Esther Perel (Leuven, Sexual Genius: An Interview With Esther Perel. Esther Perel on Mating in Captivity. Persoonlijke website; Zomergasten podcasts 2018: Esther Perel. Geraadpleegd op 12 september 2018. The secret to desire in a longterm relationship. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Mating In Captivity By Esther Perel As a couples therapist in New York, I've seen young and old, married or not and gay, bi and straight, with passports from all over the world. Mating in Captivity My debut work on the intricacies behind modern relationships, and the dichotomy of domesticity and sexual desire. I published this book in 2006, and I am consistently grateful for the dialogue, exploration, and understanding that has followed. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire..